Snart är den min!
Denna väst kommer från Forsbergs och snart är den min! Bara älskar den ;)
Presentkort på skor!

Klicka på bilderna och gå in på dessa sidor för rabatter på skor och nöje! De har grymt bra erbjudanden, helt gratis!
A man doesn´t love a million girls
He loves one girl in a million ways
You failed
Big time
Try to make me laugh
You will see...
I´m not gonna make It without you

All in. Always.
För några veckor sen var jag i magaluf. Det orsakade inte bara splittrade känslor mellan tre personer utan också en förlust. Därför har jag bestämt mig för att åka tillbaka. Dumt? Inte alls. De värsta jag vet är ångest och jag ska inte behöva ha ångest över något jag gjort, sagt eller känt. I så fall står jag inte för den jag är och vad jag tycker.
Jag ska åka tillbaka och göra precis de jag gjorde förra gången. Ha kul.
Och ni kan säga va fan ni vill.
Can´t get you out of my head
Drop it, leave it, spare me the pain
You just do it worse
But you can´t leave me alone, isn´t that right?
Can´t do this anymore
Give me something to look forward to
Dont make me say It
Grymt fin klänning!

Mess up my bed with me, kick off the covers I’m waiting
every word you say I think I should write down
don’t want to forget come daylight
happy to lay here just happy to be here
I’m happy to know you
play me a song, your newest one
please leave your taste on my tongue
Bigger than Love
A token for the pain we hide inside of us
Everyone's scared that somebody knows
You keep it inside, yeah, that's how it goes
If you've ever heard a beating heart
A rhythm for the songs we're too afraid to sing
Nobody here is perfectly fine
A delicate frame, a fragile design
If there's a hole in your heart
You gotta pull it together
It takes the courage to start
But now is better than never
It takes a push and a shove
Somehow it's never enough
And it's alarming how quick you could forget that
Nothing's bigger than love

For now on
I want to remember your smell, your laugh, your voice.
Its so hard to think that one day this will all be gone.
It feels like we just got there.

Give me a wakeup call
Life is supposed to be living
To do you wrong
That's what I came here to say
But if I was wrong
Then I'm sorry
I don't let it stand in our way
As my head just aches
When I think of
The things that I shouldn't have done
But, life is for living
We all know
And I don't wanna live it alone
Cause in the end, there´s only love
And only love can save us

Like a stone, I fall deep into that mystery
My heart stopped.
It just stopped beating.
And for the first time in my life, I had that feeling.
You know, like the world is moving all around you, all beneath you, all inside you, and you’re floating.
Floating in midair.
And the only thing keeping you from drifting away is the other person’s eyes.
Give my life a meaning.
Time for fun

You have no idea
I only know I never want to let you go
Cause you started something
Oh can't you see
Ever since we met you've had a hold on me
It happens to be true
I only want to be with you